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Diet Whey Protein

Written by Ben Carlisle

Last updated on: Sep 17, 2022

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Diet whey protein is a great supplement for anybody who is looking to supplement protein into a healthy weight loss plan. It provides a great combination of high protein and essential amino acids. Whilst being low in carbohydrates and fats. With additional ingredients which have been shown to assist with weight and fat loss.

What Is Diet Whey Protein?

Diet whey protein is animal based protein source, derived during the cheesemaking process. It is normally based on a whey protein concentrate, or a combination of whey protein concentrate with a protein isolate. It has has additional ingredients added to it which have been shown to assist with fat loss. The nutritional profile in terms of calories, carbohydrates, fats and protein are like any other whey protein. But the additional ingredients added are what differentiate it from standard whey protein powders. Ingredients commonly added to diet whey protein include: l-carnitine, green tea extract, acai berry, taurine and CLA powder. These added ingredients are what differentiates diet protein from standard protein supplements.

Ingredients Commonly Added To Diet Whey Protein

Below we will look at each of these ingredients in detail. This will help you understand what you are getting when you purchase a diet whey protein supplement.


L-carnitine is a derivative of an amino acid. The body can produce out of lysine and methionine. For the body to produce l-carnitine it needs plenty of vitamin C (1). It plays an important role in the production of energy. Research has shown it transports fatty acids into your cells mitochondria (2). Which are then burned to create usable energy. A further study found l-carnitine supplementation provided some reducing effect on body weight, body mass index (BMI) and fat mass, especially in adults who were overweight or obese (3). By using a diet whey which contains l-carnitine you may find slightly faster results when it comes to losing weight and improving your body composition. This is especially true if you are currently above your recommended BMI.

Green Tea Extract

Green tea extract is the concentrated form of green tea. It contains a high amount of catechins and a moderate amount of caffeine. Consumption of green tea has been shown to increase energy expenditure (4). And the consumption of green tea in doses of between 100mg and 460mg per day have resulted in greater reductions in both bodyweight and body fat over a 12-week period (5). The typical serving of green tea extract in a diet whey protein is 360mg. This falls within the dosage parameters used in the study. There is also evidence of green tea enhancing fat oxidation in women. Taking a supplement which contains green tea extract  may help you lose weight and body fat at a faster rate. For best effects it is recommended to follow the dosage used in the aforementioned study of between 100mg and 460mg of green tea per day (6). It is strongly advised to not consume green tea in excess of 704 mg in beverage form as studies have found this to be the observed safe level (7).

Acai Berry

Acai berries are a food which originates from South America and the Island of Trinidad and Tobago. It is a staple food in the Amazon river delta. And demand for this dark purple fruit has grown immensely in recent times.  The reason for this is twofold. The food packs a lot of nutrition and many health benefits have been attached to acai berries. There have been many claims acai berries can assist with weight loss but there have been no scientific studies which confirm this. What has been confirmed is acai berries contain antioxidant compounds (8). In fact, acai-berries contain more antioxidants, than well-known anti-oxidant rich fruits such as cranberries and blueberries. These anti-oxidants neutralise free radicals which can damage cells and cause health problems such as cancer, diabetes and heart disease (9). An addition of acai berries to a diet protein supplement is a great way to get antioxidants into your diet. But in terms of fat loss the effect of acai berries is inconclusive.


Taurine is a type of chemical called an amino sulfonic acid. It is naturally occurring in the human body. And is found in particularly high concentrations in the eyes, heart, muscles and brain. Taurine is different to most amino acids. The reason for this is it is not used to build proteins. Taurine is commonly taken as a supplement. Taurine does assist in the burning of fat, where research has shown it makes a small but significant increase in fat oxidation. This study found taurine ingestion was responsible for a 16% increase in fat burning over a 90-minute period (10). Additionally, studies have shown trained endurance athletes who supplement with taurine have improved performance. These endurance athletes could cover greater distances with less fatigue (11).  A diet whey protein powder which has taurine added can be beneficial to both fat burning and exercise performance.

CLA Powder

Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) is a fatty acid which is a popular weight loss supplement.  Animal studies have shown reduced body fat mass with CLA supplementation. Further human studies have shown this may be the case in humans (12). Other studies have shown CLA supplementation over a 12-week period to assist weight loss in obese subjects (13). And a reduction in body fat over a 6-month period for overweight adults who took a CLA supplement (14). It must be noted large doses (3.4g or more per day) of CLA can cause problems with insulin resistance (15). For this reason, it is important to moderate any CLA supplementation accordingly. A diet whey protein which contains CLA will typically have a serving size of 585mg with 2 servings recommended per day. This is well below the quantity which caused problems with insulin resistance in the study.

The Different Diet Protein Powders

There are a variety of different diet whey protein powders on the market. We have split them into three categories below. In each of these categories we will describe the composition of each supplement.

Diet Whey Protein Powder

Diet whey protein powder contains a high protein content of 70%. This protein will be from a combination of whey protein concentrate (milk) and whey protein isolate. It will have L-Carnitine and Green Tea added. The content of L-Carnitine per serving will be approximately 1.5%  and the content of Green Tea will be approximately 1%. This is a good quality protein supplement with two added ingredients which have shown evidence of reducing bodyweight and body fat. Whilst improving BMI. This supplement is a high quality protein powder which will supplement any fat or weight loss, exercise and nutrition plan.

80% Diet Protein

80% diet protein as the name suggests contains a high protein content of 80%. This protein is a combination of whey protein concentrate (milk), milk protein concentrate and soy protein isolate. Like diet whey protein this supplement has l-carnitine( acetyl-l-carnitine) and green tea added. Though as a percentage of a serving this amount is vastly reduced. With l-carnitine making up 0.5% and green tea making up 0.4%. The reason for this is there are extra ingredients added. Of these ingredients, taurine makes up 3%, conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) 1.5% and acai berry 1.4%. Most of these ingredients have shown evidence of assisting with the lose of bodyweight and body. Whilst taurine has also provided evidence of improving exercise performance. Additionally acai berry has proven to be rich in antioxidants. 80% diet protein, is a high quality protein shake for those looking to lose body-fat and preserve lean muscle mass.

Diet Protein Blend

This is a budget diet protein powder. It has a 70% protein content per serving. This protein comes from whey protein concentrate (milk), milk protein and soy protein isolate. It has added ingredients. These ingredients are CLA, acetyl l carnitine, green tea and acai berry. As mentioned earlier acai berry is a great source of antioxidants and the other ingredients have shown evidence of assisting with weight and fat loss. The content per serving of each of these ingredients is as follows: CLA (0.05%), acetyl l carnitine (0.5%), green tea (0.4%)  and acai berry(0.4%). Diet protein blend powder is a great choice for those looking for a supplement to assist their weight loss goals without breaking the bank. It contains a high level of protein, is low in fat and carbohydrates. Whilst containing antioxidants and ingredients which have shown evidence of assisting with the reduction of weight and body-fat.

*All of these protein shakes are suitable for vegetarians.

Benefits Of Diet Whey Protein

Increased Protein Intake And Muscle Preservation

Diet whey protein supplements are a rich source of protein. A typical diet protein powder will have a protein content per serving of at least 70%. The protein source in a diet protein will typically be from one of or a blend of the following, whey protein concentrate, milk protein concentrate, whey protein isolate or soya protein isolate. This high protein content is ideal for those seeking to lose weight but preserve muscle. By taking a diet protein supplement you can ensure you hit your daily protein requirements. Protein is the main building block of the human body. Researchers have found, when maintaining a calorie deficit to lose weight adequate protein and resistance training should be done to maintain muscle mass (16).

Diet Protein Supplementation Can Help Improve Athletic Performance

Researchers have found protein supplementation for trained individuals may accelerate gains in both anaerobic and aerobic output. The important thing here is to maintain the appropriate calorie count for an active individual (17). To do this it is advised to consult a qualified sports nutritionist. Successfully losing weight and improving both aerobic and anaerobic output will result in superior athletic performance.

Whey Protein Helps Reduce Blood Pressure And Cholesterol Levels

Beverages containing whey protein have been found to reduce blood pressure in young men and women. In young adults with elevated DBP and SBP, the consumption of whey protein beverage significantly decreased SBP, DBP, and MAP by 8.0, 8.6, and 6.4 mm Hg (18).

There is also evidence to suggest whey protein can help reduce total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol when used as dietary supplements for a period of at least 12-weeks (19).

Improves Satiety Which Helps With Weight Loss

Protein is proven to improve satiety. This means a higher protein intake will lead to an increased feeling of fullness (20). This is especially useful if you are trying to lose weight and maintain a calorie deficit. By taking a diet protein supplement, you can ensure you are consuming calories which are rich in protein. This will help you feel fuller and reduce the probability of binge eating. A diet protein shake can even be used as a meal replacement. Studies have even found increased protein intake has led to people consuming fewer calories throughout the day (21). This may be due to protein decreasing the level of the hunger producing hormone ghrelin (22). And increasing the level of appetite reducing hormones (23).

Added Ingredients Which Have Been Shown To Assist With Fat Loss

Diet protein supplements have added ingredients which have been shown to promote fat loss. These ingredients normally include at least one of the following: green tea extract, l-carnitine, taurine and conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) powder. L-carnitine has been shown to have a positive effect on the reduction of body fat and weight. Green tea extract can increase energy expenditure and assist with the loss of body fat. Taurine has been proven to increase fat oxidation, whilst CLA powder has been shown to reduce body fat mass. Any of these ingredients added to a diet protein powder may give you better results with fat loss compared to using a standard protein powder.

Some Diet Protein Powders Have Added Anti-Oxidants

Acai berries are often added to diet protein supplements. This berry native to Central and South America is a proven antioxidant. It has been shown to provide health benefits when taken as a supplement for at least 6 weeks (24). These health benefits were improved blood antioxidant status and lipid profile. Acai berries also contains the nutrients: vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, calcium, phosphorus, iron, thiamine, and polyphenols and anthocyanin's (25). There are a considerable amount of claims regarding acai berry assisting weight loss. However, as there has not been a large amount of research on the acai berry, there is no scientific evidence to support these claims (26).

Does Diet Whey Help With Fat Loss?

Diet whey protein will help with fat loss if you manage to maintain a calorie deficit (negative energy balance). A calorie deficit is the fundamental requirement of any fat loss. Whilst the high protein content of a diet protein supplement will increase satiety (27). This means it will be easier to maintain a negative energy balance. Satiety is often overlooked when it comes to successful weight loss. But it is vitally important as without achieving a feeling of fullness, a weight loss diet will depend upon willpower. Maintaining willpower over long periods is extremely difficult, and often leads to the weight lost at the start of the diet being regained. Further to this, the intake of too low an amount of absolute protein has been shown to contribute to the risk of regaining bodyweight.

Additionally, diet whey protein supplements contain ingredients which have been shown to assist with weight loss. The ingredients added to diet protein supplements, include at least one of the following: l-carnitine, green tea extract, taurine and CLA powder. Research has found these ingredients have increased the fat oxidation (3, 5, 10, 14).

These added ingredients are what makes diet protein powders different to standard protein powders. These ingredients have shown evidence of increasing the rate at which the body burns. And are added in order to help those who take diet protein supplements reach their fat and weight loss goals as fast as possible.

What Dosage Of Diet Whey Protein Powder Should You Take?

In most cases, it is recommended to follow the serving instructions on the packaging of your diet whey protein supplement. This is normally 1 scoop of diet protein, once or twice per day. With the recommended time to take this post-workout. It is important to remember; diet protein is a supplement to your diet and if you are already hitting your daily protein intake through food additional protein is not necessary. Another thing to watch if on a weight loss diet is the calories of the diet protein shake does not take you into a calorie surplus. A typical diet protein shake will contain approximately 132 calories per serving.

Are There Any Potential Side Effects From Taken Diet Whey Protein Powder?

A common concern regarding supplements with a high protein content is whether they can cause kidney damage and contribute to osteoporosis. However, research has found these concerns to be unfounded. Dietary proteins such as whey protein isolate have been found to be as important as calcium and vitamin D when it comes to bone health and the prevention of osteoporosis (28).

Further to this, there is no evidence which finds protein intake is linked to the development or progression of renal disease in healthy individuals (29). For those with current kidney or liver issues it is advised to consult a medical progression before using protein supplements.

If an individual consumes more whey protein more than their body can tolerate or have an allergy to whey, several side effects can develop. This includes nausea, extreme flatulence, diarrhoea, stomach cramps and pain. In most cases, issues with over consumption of whey protein come down to the lactose. If you find problems with a whey supplement which is whey protein concentrate, a solution could be changing to a whey protein isolate or hydrolysate powder. Alternatively, you could try a vegan protein powder.

If you do still find side effects after trying alternative protein supplements it is best to try and up your protein through food sources. Or seek advice from a medical professional regarding supplementation. For most individuals, all forms of diet protein containing whey are very safe. And are a great way of supplementing your protein intake, when following a healthy diet.

Green tea extract is found in most diet protein powders. It is widely consumed across the world and studies have found a dosage of 704mg or less to be the observed safe level. This is well within a typical serving size of 156- 360mg. Hepatotoxicity is strongly associated with certain dosage conditions of green tea extract. For this reason, it is advised not to exceed the observed safe level. It is important to note green tea has not been associated with liver injury or serum aminotransferase elevations; indeed, cross sectional studies suggest that regular use of green tea is associated with lower serum alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) values (30).

Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) is often added to diet protein powder for its fat oxidation properties. However, large doses of CLA can cause problems with insulin resistance). A typical serving of diet protein will contain around 585mg of CLA. This means even with 2 servings per day an individual is significantly below the dosage researchers found to give problems with insulin resistance (15). Just like green tea extract, CLA is safe to consume if you do not exceed recommended dosages.

Diet Whey Protein Summary

Diet whey protein is a great way to add more protein to a healthy diet. And to make use of ingredients which have shown evidence of promoting fat loss. As the name suggests it is a great supplement to use when dieting. The reason for this is the dual benefit of the whey protein being a complete protein which promotes satiety and the maintenance of muscle mass. Whilst, ingredients like l-carnitine, green tea extract and CLA powder promote fat oxidation. If your objective is fat loss and you are maintaining a calorie deficit, diet whey is a supplement you would likely find beneficial.

Diet Whey Protein FAQ's

How Is Diet Whey Made?

Diet whey is made by combining whey protein with ingredients which have been shown to have fat burning properties. Whey is a by-product of the cheese-making process. This by-product is filtered to remove nearly all the bacteria, fat and lactose content. This is further filtered depending upon which type of whey product is desired. Once this second filtration has been completed it is transformed from a liquid to a powder. This is done through spray drying. With diet whey, the most commonly added ingredients are green tea extra, l-carnitine, CLA powder and taurine.  Green tea extract is made from grinding dried green tea leaves into powder form. L-carnitine, CLA powder and taurine are all produced in a laboratory using chemical processes. Any of these ingredients used in the specific diet whey product are combined with the whey protein powder. And the product is packaged ready for use.

Does Diet Whey Contain Dairy?

Yes, diet whey contains whey protein which is dairy product. It is derived from cow’s milk.

Can Diet Whey Assist With Weight Gain?

Diet whey is designed for those wanting to lose fat preserving muscles mass. However, this supplement does have a high protein content. And if you maintain a calorie surplus while taking this supplement, you will gain weight.

How Does Diet Protein Work?

Diet protein is a combination of whey and ingredients which promote fat burning. Whey protein is a source of protein. It provides the building blocks the body needs to repair and build muscle tissue. Research has also shown the use of whey protein can also improve satiety and assist with the improvements in body composition. This combined with ingredients which have been proven to increase fat oxidation, makes it likely you will lose fat and preserve muscles. Of course, diet protein will not do this alone as it is intended to be a supplement to a healthy diet. And in the case of losing weight this healthy diet must provide you with a calorie deficit. For best results with weight loss, it is advised to follow an exercise program.

Is Diet Whey Keto Friendly?

Yes, diet whey is keto friendly. A lot of people use this supplement to hit their protein intake goals when following a keto diet. Any protein powder which has a low carbohydrate value per serving would be keto friendly.

Are Diet Protein Shakes Healthy?

Diet protein shakes are healthy when taken as a supplement to a healthy well-balanced diet. Whey protein is a simple way to increase your daily protein intake. Benefits of this include improved satiety, the maintenance of muscle mass and assistance of muscle growth. And most of the added ingredients to diet whey are shown to promote fat oxidation. With added acai berries being a great source of antioxidants Of course, if you have any allergies to whey protein or the ingredients added to diet whey you should choose another supplement. If in doubt about supplementation seek professional medical advice.

What Are The Different Flavours Of Diet Whey Protein Powder Available?

There are several different flavours available. The most popular include chocolate, vanilla, strawberry, salted caramel and banana.

What Is The Best Time Of The Day To Take Diet Whey?

Diet whey supplements can be taken at any time of the day. Popular times include both pre and post workout. It is also convenient to take a diet protein shake when you are not able to find a source of high quality nutrition. For example, when you are travelling.

Can Diet Whey Help With Weight Loss?

Yes, diet whey is designed to assist with weight loss. The added ingredients have been found to promote fat oxidation. And the whey protein content contributes to increased satiety and the preservation of lean muscle mass. However, it is important to know, a calorie deficit must be maintained to lose weight.

Is Diet Whey Suitable For Vegetarians?

Yes, this supplement is suitable for vegetarians.


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